Tuesday, December 10, 2019


Initially it was called RSEvents! What you guys create really is pretty exceptional. Retrieved from " https: Pro Search module offers two modes. With it, you can create and manage an unlimited number of categories and entries, set up custom entry addition forms for each category, define advanced filters and implement payments. You have the possibility to add or remove modules as you wish. rsevents pro joomla

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rsevents pro joomla

Pro and map fields such as username, name, email and password to RSForm! The only restrictions applied are the fact that you are no longer eligible to extension related downloads updates, plugins, modules, component downloads and you will no longer receive customer joola for your registered domain s.

How do I generate a license code? Pro - our Joomla! Auto-complete helps you search events easily. In a bunch of rsevenfs, you can hide end date, description, joolma or rpo you pgo without changing a line of code.

Upcoming events Naturally, you will surely need to let your users know of future events as well, not just events that are already taking place. A natural addition is the implementation of calendar views, as event planning or attending implies, among other parameters, starting and ending dates. Great product that is easy to use. All of these features are integrated with Google Maps. Pro Registration Plugin allows you to create a Joomla! Easy and intuitive form for adding events Multiple layouts for listing events in the front-end Google maps integration for event venues Payment gateways integration: Quickly add the location when editing the event It often happens that you forget to first add the location and then create the event, so we overcame this by letting you to create locations while creating the event.

It made me decide to use more of their products.

plugin: RSEvents Pro

So days before, you mention that no resvents also called preminder mails are being send. Please enter a valid email address. Popular events Using this module you can List the events whose pages were visited most often. Even I, who was a complete dummy on this matter, knows how to work with it.

rsevents pro joomla

It consists in a module through which you can either link to your social profiles or add action buttons like, share etc for them. The quality of this plugin is not. Not sure but my theory is: If you want to send reminders 1 day in advance, and you rseventz the cron once a day, no reminders will be sent.

Event locations are an important part of any event management component.


Learn how to create, manage events, locations and configure it. It consists of a frontend module that is capable of creating a gallery with images provided by RSMediaGallery! You will be able to collect and use submitted information in the newsletters that you create with RSMail!. All you need to do is submit the email form and access the download link rseventts your email. How do I make a purchase?

rsevents pro joomla

Not really easy, but understandable. Screenshots Get a sneak preview of the extension Administration and Front-end. If you use RSEvents!

Before purchasing, download an install RSTester! If you need an extension providing event listings, this is perfect for you. Pro Map module similar to the Events map menu item. Well, to get it all, it requires practice!

Great documentation, with an intuitive interface where looking at documentation is really not required.

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